Dead baiting for Pike

Dead baiting for pike is a common and effective method of fishing for this species.
Here are some basic steps to get you started:

  1. Choose the right bait: Pike are known to be attracted to a variety of dead
    baits, including roach, herring, mackerel, smelt, and sardines. Choose a bait
    that is fresh and in good condition.
  2. Prepare the bait: Remove any excess scales and trim off any fins or tails. You
    may also want to cut a few slits in the bait to release more scent into the
  3. Set up your rig: You can use a simple running rig with a sliding float or a
    ledger rig. Attach your bait to the rig using a strong wire trace to prevent the
    pike from biting through your line.
  4. Cast your line: Cast your line to a likely spot where pike are likely to be
    lurking, such as near underwater structure or in areas with deep water.
  5. Wait for a bite: Be patient and wait for a pike to take the bait. When you feel a
    tug on your line, give it a moment before setting the hook.
  6. Reel in your catch: Once you have hooked a pike, reel it in carefully. Pike are
    strong fighters, so be prepared for a struggle.